We had our little Barker family Christmas party on Saturday because Katie and Lance were suppose to be spending Christmas day in Oregon. Because of the weather they will be in Utah after all. It was fun though first they all went sledding while me and Katie stayed home with the babies. As always my Mom made a delicious dinner of Lasagna and Breadsticks YUMMY. Then the kids had to wait and wait and wait to open there presents from Grandma and Grandpa, it was driving them crazy. They stacked those presents and rearranged them so many times I didn't know was possible. Then Grandma and Grandpa made them sing songs it was hilarious watching them, I often times forget what it was like to be a kid but this brought back lots of memories.
Sunday we had the big Barker party, good food, good Bingo (White elephants have gotten a lot better over the years) and great conversation. I love this time of year!!!! I can't believe Christmas is in 3 days.
I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!!! The amazing cooks themselves
The kids in there matching pjs that Grandma and Grandpa gave them.
McKell loved the party,
Camera just died, I will have to upload the rest of the pictures later.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas FUN
Posted by Jensen Family at 2:15 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
add me
This message is for
Stephanie and Chase
Liz and Dallas
Brad and Katie
could you add me to your blog list somehow I didn't get the invite.
My email is natbratt@gmail.com
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:11 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
She has arrived!!!
Our sweet little girl made her life into this world December 6, at 10:58 a.m. and weighed 7 lbs 15 oz. 21" long. Her name is McKell Ione Jensen. (named after me and my Grandma Baxter)
It all started Friday night we were over at Sabrina and Billy's watching a movie, I sat up and felt as if I had just wet my pants but I kinda thought it was the what I had been feeling for the last couple months so I just stood up and went to the bathroom but as I stood up more started coming and it was dripping down my leg. We hurry and leave and Jeremy just kept saying are you sure she didn't just kick your bladder so I was almost convinced that was what had happened so when we got home at about 11:15 p.m we call my Mom to see what its like when your water breaks, she has no idea though because that had never happened to her, so we think about it a little longer and then give my Brother Lance a call (who is a doctor) he didn't sound like he thought I had really broke my water but after talking for a while he tells me we better just go in. We get there they check and sure enough I had. I was a bit shocked I had not felt a single contraction yet and my Doctor kept telling me no sooner than the 18th. Labor was a lot different than I expected, I had in my mind it would be a lot worse so it was good. Everything went well. The sec0nd day at the hospital her bilirubin was a little high so they had to take her under the lights. But we are home now and she is a pretty good baby we can only hope sleeping through the nights comes a little sooner. At our Doctors apt. today they weighed her and she is 7lbs 7 oz so she is loosing some weight. Me and Jeremy love her to death and we are so happy she is finally here to join our family. Now here is what you have all been waiting for I know sorry about all the writing.
Posted by Jensen Family at 1:49 PM 18 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Cute bows
After seeing many cute bows all around I finally got around to making my own. With the help of my addicted sister Vanessa :). I think they turned out pretty good. I made the bigger one first and decided that was way too big for a new born head so I had to make a smaller one. Now I just gotta figure out how I want to hook them on a head band.
Posted by Jensen Family at 6:21 PM 8 comments
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Doctor says....
We went to another doctor appointment yesterday, and not much has changed. She said my cervix has thinned a little more but I have not started to dilate yet. I didn't gain a single pound which I was happy about, but I went from a 34 cm to 37 cm. So with there only being 2 weeks and 5 days I decided to finally ask how long she will let me go over since she just kept telling me to not plan on my due date. I had been looking at the calendar and noticed that Christmas is exactly 2 weeks after my due date. She said that she will only let me go a week over HOORAY!!! so she might be born on my Dads birthday after all. (but I can hope not that's the 21) I have heard that walking up hills might make me dilate a little faster so that will be my routine everyday for the next 2 weeks. Go to work, come home and walk hills for an hour and possibly even jog a little.
Here is my latest picture I am getting VERY BIG
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:51 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Well me and Jeremy are not very good in the leveling department. We were putting up these shelves that I had bought and the leveler we were using was not working so we figured we could eye it with the laser beam. We drilled the holes into the wall and I put the shelf up and took a step back to see how good it looked. Sadly they were not straight it was going at a down hill slant, so we took it down and we are now in the process of patching the huge holes it made and I will have to repaint those spots. Hopefully our second try will be a little more successful.
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:34 PM 3 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
We got our changing table delivered to us today, at this moment Jeremy is putting it all together, what a great husband. Well with only 5 weeks left, I can't wait. Pregnancy is not exactly what I thought it would be like even though I have had it pretty easy. My back is starting to kill, for the most part I can still sleep very well at night which I am very thankful for. Tomorrow I start with my weekly appointments, I am not so excited for those its been nice to be able to stay fully dressed at each appointment.
My sisters, sister in law and Mom gave me an awesome shower last week Thanks so much, I got so many cute things. I did not think pink could ever be cute until it is on these tiny little outfits. She will definitely be dressed well to go to bed.
I will have to post pictures later I am too tired at the moment to walk over and get my camera.
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:01 PM 5 comments
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Our crib is here
After a lot of thinking, we finally picked out a crib that we both loved (well I do anyways and Jeremy thinks it looks nice) Since my sister in law had been waiting for about 2 months it seemed for her crib I decided I better hurry and order it or we may not have a bed for our baby. So I ordered it online and a week later they delivered it to our door. They were quick. I have not gotten the changing table/dresser yet because I keep thinking I might find a better deal for the one I want (which I probably wont so I might as well order it). But here is the pictures of the Beauty I have to keep the door open to that room so I can see it everytime I go to our room. I can't wait to actually get to use it.
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:11 AM 8 comments
Vegas Vacation.............and training
This past week Me and Jeremy got to go to Vegas (I know sounds kinda scary after what happened the last time we were there) this time we were able to fly though and did not have to get behind the wheel until we got back to Salt Lake. Jeremy had training for work and I went just to have fun and getaway. They put us up in the MGM grand which is huge I never realized until now. While he was in training all day I watched tv, spent time at the pool, read my book, and thoroughly enjoyed myself. The time went by way too fast. My friend Darliece is actually in Vegas for Dental School so she so kindly fit me into her crazy schedule to hang out for a few hours. It was great fun but the time went by way too fast. One night we walked the entire strip but forgot the camera oops!!! (I swear pregnancy has made me loose my mind) Jeremy's favorite show is the water show at the Bellagio so we went back just before we left to see it one last time. It was a lot of fun but I think we were ready to come home to our place. I can only handle the smell of smoke so long and the food was getting pretty old. Thanks Jeremy for the nice vacation it was very much needed.
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:37 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I have seen on other blogs that you do a slide show. How do you do it I can't seem to figure it out if anyone could please tell me how I would surely appreciate it.
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:28 PM 3 comments
Hogle Zoo
My sister Vanessa was taking her kids to the Hogle zoo and invited me to come along for company and I am sure to mostly help with the kids. I have not been there since I was in the 4th grade. I will have to admit I was expecting a little more, it seemed so much bigger and a lot cooler when I was younger, why do we have to grow up. Treven and Dallin were fun though, I am sure glad I was went with little kids that still get so excited to see the animals. It was nice to go back again and I will probably take my kids when they get old enough to enjoy it. Thanks Vanessa for the fun filled day at the Hogle Zoo.
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:13 PM 1 comments
Conference Weekend
We had a wonderful conference weekend, it was nice and relaxing. I love listening to all the leaders of our church they are amazing. It seems that every 6 months they speak on something I really need to hear that I feel is just for me. Jeremy had his mission reunion on Friday night that was fun for him to see all his old mission buddies. Since he had 2 mission presidents this was the 2nd one that just got home so everyone there was quite young only about 5 of them were married including us.
On Sunday after the 2nd session Kristy and Bryson, Me and Jeremy, and my Mom and Dad all went on a 4 wheeler ride. Mom and Dad's 4-wheeler was a little smaller and was only 2 wheel drive so they were not able to go all the way to white rock with us. It was beautiful up there though the leaves are all starting to change. We only got poured on for about 10 minutes and the rest of the ride was wonderful. Even our little girl enjoyed the bumpy ride.
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:00 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 26, 2008
Here is my 29 week picture. I had just realized the other day that I had not been taking pictures all along so I figured I better start now and at least get the last 11 weeks to remember. We are getting really excited to see what she looks like and to hold her in our arms. I have started sorting through clothes from my sisters (Thanks for letting me borrow all these clothes) and hang up the 0-3 months and I just look at them and think how cute she is gonna look in all these. Only 10 weeks and 6 days and she should be here if not sooner.:)
Posted by Jensen Family at 1:42 PM 15 comments
I might be Stupid......
I have figured out the hard way that maybe pregnant women really should not play softball. I LOVE softball though. I had already played 3 games with our ward and nothing had happened. So our ward is in the tournament now and it was the first game of it. I was the first up to bat and in this league you only get 2 strikes and 3 balls. They had thrown me 2 balls and I hate to walk so on the 3rd pitch was also a ball but I went for it anyways just so I could hit. It was a little low and on the inside but I hit it anyways it was not a bad hit but as I started running to 1st OUCH I figured I had just pulled a muscle (I did make it though). I played the rest of the game on my last ups I was on first and decided I needed a runner. I now know it would have been a heck of a lot easier to just take my base. One of the girls on our team is a nurse and she said it was just my syatic nerve that most people feel towards the end of there pregnancy, but I can barely even walk and my left leg keeps going numb. So sadly enough tonight is the championship game and I will just be watching it from the bleachers. GO TEAM!!!!
Posted by Jensen Family at 1:31 PM 2 comments
Monday, September 22, 2008
On my last doctor visit I had the Gestational Diabetes test, just the one where you can have breakfast and drink the nasty drink 1/2 hour before your apt. And..........I failed they like your blood sugar to be below 130 and I was a whoppin 153. I was a bit nervous that I did actually have it so for the next week I exercised everyday and watched a little better of what I ate. All I had heard about it is you have large babies and retain a lot of water. I do want a big baby well lets say under 9 pounds but I don't especially want to be big I am content with size at this point. So then the next week I went and did the 12 hour fast then go in and drink the nasty drink again and have them take my blood every 3 hours (that was one long day sitting at the hospital for that long). Today I called my doctor to see if everything was normal and............ I PASSED yeah I don't have Gestational Diabetes. I can't complain one bit about this pregnancy it has been so very easy, I guess December is the right time to have a baby. :)
Posted by Jensen Family at 5:45 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Last of all I finally talked Jeremy into helping me paint the babies room. Then after I finished painting he tells me that the fumes can cause deformation in the baby, thanks for letting me paint the room and then telling me that. So now he just might be stuck with painting the other 3 walls. The picture does not do it justice but it really is pretty. I have decided on a black crib I just gotta work on Jeremy to let me buy finally purchase that. He thinks there is still too much time, when really I only have 3.5 more months. or 14 more weeks until our baby gets here. I am so excited, it is really neat to feel the kicking but I am kinda getting tired of all the movement she seems to be very ac
Posted by Jensen Family at 6:17 PM 6 comments
1/2 Marathon
Back in May I decided Jeremy needed to fulfill one of his life goals and run a half marathon. So I signed him up for the Top of Utah. He was doing pretty good at making himself get up to run. About a month before the race his arch in his right foot started to hurt and he could barely walk, so he called to see if he could get a refund if he didn't run and they said no. So he finally listened to me and got some new shoes. About a week before the race he started his training again. His foot quite hurting, I was happy because I surely know that it is not fun when you are in pain. Well he finished the race and didn't walk any so he was happy. The only problem is his shoes rubbed the heck out of his heel hence all the blood on his shoe, and the outside of his left foot started to kill at mile 10. He did great I was proud of him, he just couldn't walk for the next 2 weeks. But he says it was worth it he finally ran a 1/2 marathon. Now his goal for next year is to better his time. I don't know what it is about being around runners I always get sad that I was not able to run, this has been the hardest part of being pregnant, I just want to get out there and be tired and sweaty. So next year I am hoping to be able to run the same half marathon with him. Well behind him of course.
Posted by Jensen Family at 6:05 PM 3 comments
23 years!!!
Next we celebrated my birthday, we were able to spend a day at the Brigham City Pool. It turned out to be a perfect day. Vanessa and her kids came with us, they were so much fun even Madilyn kept me entertained. Later we went to my parents and made homemade Peach Ice Cream we even used "REAL" milk as Jeremy calls it, and holy smokes it was good. Jeremy had school that night so I was even lucky enough to make my own cake. Jeremy gave me an awesome vacuum that I have been wanting forever, I also got money from my wonderful parents so I could get myself some maternity pants, flip flops and sunglasses, and an I-tunes gift card. Thanks for the gifts e
ne. I loved them all.
Posted by Jensen Family at 5:51 PM 2 comments
Fun, Fun
Since I posted last we have done a few things.
First we were able to go up to Jackson and spend the weekend with Kristy and Bryson. It was a blast. While we were there we were able to float the snake river twice which Jeremy loved and really looks forward to next year in hopes to float the river at high water. But me I was fine the way it was I was scared to death of falling out of the raft. We were also able to go hike in the Tetons that was way pretty we hiked up to the hidden falls. Oh how could I forget our trip to the Idaho Falls temple which we were unsuccessful in making it to the last session, so we walked around and went over to falls, and drove all over looking for a Cold Stone and we finally found one so the trip was definitly worth the 2 hour drive. It was worth it though we had good company. Thanks Kristy and Bryson for the great time and the nice warm place to stay we were not prepared for the cold nights and mornings of Jackson.
Posted by Jensen Family at 5:07 PM 2 comments
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Happy Birthday
Happy 23rd to Jeremy, for his birthday this year I talked him into staying home from work and just working from home. So we got to spend the day together. We enjoyed Dinner at Texas Roadhouse which was delicious that was our first time there and loved it. His Mom and Dad and also Sabrina and Billy also came with us. Jeremy and Sabrina got a birthday YEE HAW and Jeremy got to sit on the sadle. It was a lot of fun.
We went to Hollywood and got his free birthday rental and came home blew out candles and watched the movie.
He got the series to Lord of the Rings but really wants the Bourne Series so if anyone knows where to find those let me know I was unable to find them earlier, and a new shirt. He also let me open one of my presents early, how sweet of him. It possibly could be because one was for me and one was for him but who knows so now we have matching ear phones. I love you babe and I hope you had a wonderful Birthday!!!
Becky and Aaron this picture is for you this is probably my first pregnant picture that I have taken that I actually look like I have something there.
Posted by Jensen Family at 4:43 PM 5 comments
Friday, July 18, 2008
At work we had this head honcho dental lady come in and tell us everything we are doing wrong and that Dr. Adams is gonna have to close his doors if it is not fixed mostly just because we were not collecting everything we should have. So she decided that would be my job now I am not a dental assistant no more just front office work. I don't know how much I like it, its kinda frustrating because I now have to deal with insurance stuff and we all know how much fun that is. I am sure things will get better once I understand it all but all I wanted was to be a Dental Assistant I don't know how I got in charge of collecting money.
Posted by Jensen Family at 9:18 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Its a..............................................................
So I had my big ultra sound today, it was so exciting. Baby is still alive and we got a good shot of what it was. ITS A GIRL!!!!!!! I am way excited I was hoping it was a girl. It was so exciting to get to have her point out all the different parts even though I could not exactly tell what everything was. I am very thankful for this time and definitely can't wait for December and to start getting stuff ready.
Posted by Jensen Family at 4:52 PM 5 comments
Saturday, July 5, 2008
I've been Tagged
1. What is his name? Jeremy
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:47 AM 2 comments
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Not Yet
I was all excited for our last Dr. appointment since I thought I might find out what we are having. We got there and they took me into the normal check up room so I knew for sure I was not going to find out this time. All they did was let us hear the heart beat which was cool, but they scheduled our big ultra sound for July 18. Only about 25 more days and we will know. HOORAY!!!!!! Its killing me I see all these cute things but I don't want to buy them until I know what we are having.
Posted by Jensen Family at 5:22 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
It has taken me a while to get these posted but here is some fun pictures of our trip to California and hopefully I will a picture of the new bike soon.The Princess castle in the background
I was super excited to drive one of these cool cars.
Me and Jefferson on the Dumbo ride
Paul looks a little worried wondering what he got himself into here. hahaha
Posted by Jensen Family at 3:49 PM 3 comments
Sunday, May 25, 2008
When I first started this blog I said that you had to have kids to be a blogger, so I decided I better try it. hahaha just kidding but we are going to be parents come this December then things might get much more exciting. We are both very excited for this new adventure in our lives, I just can't wait to find out if its a boy or a girl. I am hoping a girl but Jeremy says he doesn't care as long as its healthy.
Just to let you all know what has been happening in our lives since our last post, On May 9th my little sister also my 2nd best friend got married. It was so exciting and they will be so happy together. They are an awesome team and are great fun to do things with. Then we headed off to California with Jeremy's family, we went to Disney Land a few days and enjoyed the beach a few days, it was a very needed vacation and it was fun to be able to spend a whole week with Jeremy with no school or work. We are back now and yesterday Jeremy fulfilled his life long dream to have his very own motorcycle to call his OWN. So he got a dual sport Suzuki DR650, now hopefully we can just sell the car and everything will be great. So I think I might be spending more Saturdays alone while he goes on some fun rides.
I will have to post all the pictures later.
Posted by Jensen Family at 3:28 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Also we celebrated our ONE year anniversary I cannot believe that one year has already gone by. I can defintly say we have grown closer together I know I married my best friend and couldn't be any happier. Jeremy is an amazing husband, he is very thoughtful and can always cheer me up on bad days, he loves to try new things and he will do anything I ask him to do unless it involves early mornings then I have to count him out. Jeremy I love you so much and I am so happy we are sealed forever.
What a year it was to start it off we got in a wreck on our honeymoon in Las Vegas (Grandpa calls it Sin City and now I believe). That was the beginning of our wonderful first year. We moved twice I had about 10 different jobs (not really but quite a few) Jeremy switched jobs, I graduated from the Dental Assisting Program and Jeremy is half way done at Stevens Henager. Jeremy broke his collar bone. We bought our first car together. I'd say its been a pretty good year and I can't wait for many more.
To celebrate one year we went to the Salt Lake Bee's Baseball game, that was a lot of fun its been a while since I have been to one of those. Bee's won so that was great. We bought Jeremy a new mountain bike since it was almost the same price to fix his crashed one as it was to buy a brand new one. Then we went to eat at the Mayan that was awesome the food was delicious I would suggest that place to everyone, although the wait was quite long so don't go on a Saturday night we waited 1 hour and a half.
That was our first year in review, hopefully the next one won't be quite as expensive.
Posted by Jensen Family at 5:08 PM 1 comments