Monday, June 27, 2011


Make sure you are sitting down for this one, or you might faint! haha TAYLEE has a tooth :) its just popped through she might have 2 in a couple more days. It has not been bad I didn't even know she was getting teeth until I was hanging her upside down and noticed you could see all her top teeth gums bulging so I decided to feel the bottom and there it was. Not only does she have a tooth but the girl is 8 months old today and decided to finally roll over. Lots of firsts at our house today.
If you don't know McKell didn't get her tooth until she was 15 months so I was a bit shocked. McKell is 2 1/2 and still does not have all her baby teeth in. Its exciting to have 2 kids to compare when they did things.

Pictures for 8 months coming soon


Sabrina J. Shy said...

Ha ha, yay!

Jeff's Abby said...

Wow! Samantha got her first one right around her birthday. She is a go and get um girl.