Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Potty Training Taylee

I am writing this all down for journal purposes, because I can't remember how things went with McKell and I need to remember for our possibly next future children.
Day 1 potty Training
I wouldn't really say Taylee showed much interest in using the potty, but I am done with diapers so I figured why not give it a shot.  I am using the Boot Camp method the same one I used for McKell.  Morning started out good fed her lots of juices, water, and milk and knew she was gonna have to pee, so I kept her on the toilet for a good half hour and nothing.  So took her off tried again later, nothing.  She held it for 2 hours before having 3 accidents in a row.  Frustrated YES! (wanted to quite right then)  All morning accident after accident, she was super tired and kept pulling me to her bed.  I held her out until after lunch, but she was getting really tired and fighting sitting on the toilet.  So I brought out the binki (possibly a bad idea but it worked) she would sit forever I had to make her get off. Gotta love those things.  Now though she won't sit without it. Oh well I would rather have that then dirty diapers.  After her nap, she finally had success her first time going I got so excited I scared her and she stopped so I thought she was done and took her off.  OOPS!  Accident right after.  The rest of the day still had a few successes and a few accidents.  Finally 7:30 and my day was OVER!  HOORAY
Day 2 so far she has been amazing, no accidents so far.  She has told me she needs to go (well she don't talk so she started heading to the bathroom, or her eyes get big, or she stands weird).  I know this is a long journey but today I feel pretty good as of now.  She is down for a nap in underwear so we shall see. :0


Sabrina J. Shy said...

Oooh, good luck! Thinking about PT makes me sick to my stomach!