Monday, October 3, 2011

So the other day I was upstairs and Taylee was playing downstairs. All the sudden it got quiet so I finished what I was doing and went to check on her. She was no where to be seen and the front door was open. So I go looking outside for her and there that stinker is sitting in the rocks eating them. She loves loves loves to eat rocks. So the video is of her getting out of the house I wanted to see how she got down the stairs since we have been working on going down backwards. But to no avail she has not picked up on it yet. The first time I watched her was a bit more smooth the one I videoed worried me a bit.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

What a monkey! Look at her go! ha ha, can't believe she loves rocks so much!??

Heather said...

What a funny girl! Looks like you need to make her a rock cake for her birthday!