I am working on shooting in manual mode so if you have any pointers they would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
9 months already!
Holy smokes July has flown by so stinkin fast, actually this summer is cruising on by dang it. Taylee is 9 months today and as of today she can go from crawling position to sitting on her bum. She is not yet crawling but as you can see getting super close. Yikes! She is so ready to be on the go. She has 4 teeth and a few more getting ready to pop through. Teething has not been all that fun, but give her some medicine and she is as good as new. (McKell so kindly did her hair today)
Happy 9 months to the happiest baby around, we love you.!
18 lbs 11 oz 43%
23" 76%
Posted by Jensen Family at 1:30 PM 3 comments
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Goodbye for now
My wonderful Grandma passed away on July 10th, so happy for her to be out of pain and to be re-united with her Husband but oh I am going to miss her (man I am getting teary eyed typing this) We all know death happens, but for me it don't make it any easier. She will be so missed, her house was the meeting house every Sunday for all my family. It is not very often you would go to her house and be the only one there. We have such a close family I hope now that Grandma has left this earth that we can still be as close. My wonderful forever family, I am so thankful families are forever because I don't know what I would do without these amazing people. (my sister Vanessa left too soon so she was not in the picture and Katie as well)
I know to some it is weird to take pictures of funerals, but for me its my memories. Her casket was beautiful with all the flowers.
Grandma we will miss you dearly until we meet again. I hope to never forget the memories that I have of her. She was a great Grandma that taught me a lot. My sister did an amazing post on her I wish she wasn't private so you could read it, because she is very good with words. But if you are invited to her blog you should for sure read it.
Posted by Jensen Family at 1:56 PM 2 comments
Bow Holder
So my old Ribbon holding the bows just wasn't doing it, it would hang down low enough that McKell could pull them off and I had bows everywhere all the time. I had seen these frames used to hold bows so I set out to find a cheap frame. I found out quickly that that don't happen for a huge frame. Luckily I have an awesome sister that had found this beauty at a yard sale for $1.oo and she sold it to me. So the total cost of this project was about $3.00, and it looks great in their roomMcKell loves to paint so she was so so excited that I let her help me. Everyday now she asks to paint
The finished product, I realized after I did it who cares what ribbon you use, we have enough bows that you don't even see the ribbon so I am glad I didn't buy anything expensive.
Posted by Jensen Family at 1:47 PM 6 comments
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Freedom Run
I forgot about the 1 race I did for the 4th. Honeyvilles Freedom 5k!! I haven't done it for maybe 4 years, and wow has it gotten big.
I felt really good the whole time thought I was running faster than usual only to find out I got 23 minutes, I can't seem to beat that time for racing.
It was fun having all the cheerleaders there and running with people I know again. The only good thing about running a half marathon is 3 miles feels like nothing anymore.
I took 2nd girl overall and 1st in my age group so I got a large bag of Honeyville Grains Pancake mix.
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:31 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
4th of July
I realize I am a little weird, and I LOVE the WILLARD 4th of July celebrations. But a small town girl has got to stick to her small town traditions. Parade, Foot Races, candy drop, and the most amazing fireworks you will ever see.My Moms 1st place finish, she wins every year, so you see where we get our talent from.
Okay the foot race is divided into age groups from crawling to 60+ separating girls from boys. The Barkers use to sweep each race we were in every year. But this year the only 1st place finishers were my nephew Treven and my Mom. I don't know if we have gotten older and slower or if the age divisions have changed. Mine is 21-27 now come on, no way I can beat a 21 year old. haha I took 2nd though which isn't bad out of 3 runners. lol
Loving the parade :)
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:45 PM 3 comments
McKell has finally mastered the tricycle, she loves her new freedom of pedalling down the sidewalk with "the girls"
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:34 PM 2 comments
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
McKell has love fireworks since she was a baby and still does. The sparklers were a little random so she got a little scared of them after so many.
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:36 PM 1 comments
8 months
Getting a lot harder to get a picture of her while laying down, now that she actually moves. She actually is starting to get interested in crawling!! Happy and Sad all at the same time. Love this girl.
Posted by Jensen Family at 8:29 PM 3 comments