Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Week with 2

We watched Cousin Nathan all week last week while his parents celebrated their anniversary. It was quite the tiring week. I am sure he had fun playing with all McKells strollers and dolls since that is what they fought over most often. I swear these 2 act like siblings they have conflicting personalities that is for sure.

We mostly spent our days on a bike ride and playing in the pool.
Then on Thursday we added 2 more kids to our chaos. We took Madilyn and Treven while my sister and her family went to Lagoon. It was actually a lot more fun with them. Nathan played with Treven in the pool so Madilyn and McKell could play dolls. Plus I had someone to talk to me. All in all I think McKell had fun having Nathan here but boy is it easier only having one kid, I am a bit scared for October to come.


Krista said...

Don't be scared for October, I am confident the Lord knows what he is doing by letting us inch into having two kids and letting the newborn sleep majority of the time.

Bryson and Kristy said...

I love that you were happy to have someone to talk to... even if that someone is 2 and a half! haha Way to go, I could not have done it, and you had to deal with being prego! You are my super-mom-hero! Good job taking pics too, the two of them look like they are having a good time! My fav is mckell washing nathans hair!

Sabrina J. Shy said...

LOL, yep, two is much more different than one! It looks like they had an absolute blast together, and yeah...they do act like siblings.

Can't believe you took on 4 that day! Thanks again.