Friday, May 28, 2010

McKell spends quite a bit of time in her room playing with her toys its kinda nice. A few people helped me finish her room it was quite a project. You can't tell but we did the plastic bag effect it turned out pretty good
Our beautiful Shower curtain
The beauties, our very own Steam Washer and Dryer. They work wonders
Our new couches and the Red wall I painted its really not that orange in Real life

And a close up of McKells bed
We are in and loving it. I could only post pictures of the rooms that were clean so the others will have to wait. I still have a lot of painting to do so if anyone is dying to paint I can hook you up. They patched spots and painted them a different color so I am just gonna do everything eventually. McKell is doing great in her bed, she must not realize she can get out because she still waits for me to come get her every morning. She has only fallen off 3 times now in 2 weeks so I guess she is doing pretty good. Her next step is the twin bed so we gotta get the sleeping in one spot down. I finally got our garden planted just hopefully something will grow there were so many weeds that our soil is half dirt and half mulched weed. Our lawn well that is a different story still working on trying to get my forest mowed in the back yard things just are not going so well. We just bought a Honda Lawn Mower yesterday so we shall see if I can finally conquer the thing.


Heather said...

Beautiful! We can't wait to come and visit you! :)

Sabrina J. Shy said...

I think the purple nursery turned out beautiful! And that red accent wall is terrific too!

Love your new couches and new washer/ fun to have a new house!