Friday, May 28, 2010

3 Years Anniversary

We decided to go to Moab for the weekend to celebrate the wonderful 3 years it has been. I had never been there so it was kinda cool to see everything. We stayed in Green River which was a bit of a mistake Moab was an hour drive everyday. We went to Canyonlands and as you can tell in the first picture the weather was not so good. The next day we went to Arches. That was my favorite of the 2 it was pretty cool. Delicate Arch was awesome. We had so much fun and were so Thankful Jeremy's mom watched McKell for us so we could get away. Here is to many more wonderful years. I love you Jeremy!!!


Knutson Family said...

HEY! My husband is from Moab! Moab is practically my home town. I know everything down there like the back of my hand. I totally hope you had tons of fun climbing around those gorgeous rocks. Congrats on your anniversary!

Heather said...

Happy Anniversary!!! You guys are great together.