Monday, May 4, 2009


Thanks to everyone for your comments from my last post it helps so much to hear everyone's ideas to try. I am not good at setting a schedule unless its on paper telling me what time she should take naps and go to bed. McKell has gotten better though since I have gotten her on a schedule.
We have not been up to much lately I am just counting down the days until me and McKell get to go to St. George with my Mom, sisters, sister-in-law and Grandma I am so excited a week from today I will be basking in the nice warm weather (hopefully).
We bought a jogging/biking stroller I like to refer to it as McKells Cadilac, its so nice. I am excited to use it this summer. This is what it looks like, even though she could care less I can tell she loves it already. :)I gave McKell some rice cereal today for the first time today that was pretty funny. It seems weird that you put something in her mouth and she does not know what to do with it, its amazing all the stuff you have to learn.
Well everyone have a fantastic night


Sabrina J. Shy said...

That is one snazzy ride.

Did you get video of her first time eating cereal?? How fun!

David and Sarah said...

U can't stop laughing about "mckells cadillac"! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! I am jealous that you are going to St. George! Have a good time!