Sunday, September 15, 2013


McKell is in preschool this year with a lady in our ward who teaches it.  She was so excited to start.  Her first day was a success, she met a new friend named Ruby and can't wait to go back each day.

I had a hard time deciding if I was going to put her in preschool since it costs so much.  I thought about it for months and decided I would just teach her and Taylee this year.  Then about 2 weeks before it was going to start I really started thinking about it.  Well as you can tell I decided it was something McKell really needed.  Something just for her that she can go and enjoy.  I am happy with our decision so far and think it will be great for some her time.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

She looks so grown up! What a cute-pie. I'm glad she's enjoying it already...soon they'll be in Kindergarten!