Sunday, September 15, 2013

3 months and a new cousin

 The cutest baby in the world (yes I am bias) has turned 3 months old already.  He is such a good baby and puts up with a lot.  He has 2 older sisters and lots of cousins that love to haul him around.  Unless he is tired he puts up with it pretty well.
Smiles now
Still isn't sleeping all through the night usually 6 hours at a time
Still will only nap on his stomach and sleep on back
Getting better at keeping his binki in
Jeremy's sister Sabrina had her baby Girl September 4th!  Its amazing how big your 3 month old seems after holding a newborn.  Yes she was only 7 pounds at birth but wow Zander is HUGE!  His 3 sisters and me all had babies this year its a repeat of 2010 just in a different order and everyone is having a boy this year except little Megan will be the only girl.  She will be the princess with all these boy cousins


Sabrina J. Shy said...

I think he's pretty darn cute too! So glad that he is easy-going like Jeremy...makes life easier with big sisters! ha ha

I know, can you believe the difference in size from 1 week to 3 months!?? Megan really wanted to cuddle with Zander. :)

He sleeps on his tummy for naps but not bedtime!? What a funny little quirk.