Thursday, May 30, 2013

He arrived!

 Since things didn't go as planned and I kept forgetting to get a picture with the girls and me being pregnant this is as good as it gets haha.  Taylee was only in the room for maybe an hour and every few minutes she asked "Mom ya done"  it was funny

 Yes newborns are a little gross to me, I don't like when they pull him out and put them right on me.  YUCK!
He is perfect and we couldn't be happier.  The girls had a rough first couple of days but since my Mom has been helping me they seemed to have settled down.  So grateful I have a Mom that will take off work, to come here to be with me. 
Yes things did not go as I had originally planned, I thought I wouldn't be having a baby until Monday.  (glad I didn't wait that long he would be HUGE)  But I went in for my original pre natal appointment on Thursday May 23rd she checked to see where I was and things hadn't changed since last week.  Still a 3 and high and thick.  So I suggested she strip my membranes, they did it with Taylee and nothing happened but I was willing to try again.  She looks at me a little hesitant and says he is so high are you sure you want me to try.  I say yes.  So she starts and she gets a smile on her face and says this is going really good.  When all the sudden she says OH NO!  I just broke your water. haha You wanna have a baby today?!  Well really I had no choice.  So she sent me down to Labor and Delivery.  I called Jeremy and told him we were having a baby today.  He was a bit Shocked!
Once in Labor and Delivery I was just gonna walk the halls to see if we could get some contractions going.  I sped around those halls for over an hour waiting for Jeremy to get there. ( I didn't really want to start anything without him there)  Well the walking did nothing.  Go figure, my body just didn't want to get the baby out.  So 3 hours after telling Jeremy to come to the hospital he finally arrived.  The doctor had come in to see if she broke both membranes which she hadn't so she did that, and asked if I wanted to keep walking.  At this point the socks were killing my feet and I was tired of walking.  So instead of dragging the process on I just started on the pitocin.  OUCH!!  My idea of going natural went out the window too.  I forget how bad contractions hurt.  So after about an hour of misery I called for the epidural.  From there on things went pretty fast, and smooth.  Mr. Zander was born on May 23rd at 5:00 p.m.  Weighing in at 8 lbs 11 ounces! (thats why I am glad things went the way they did)  and 21 1/2 inches long.  He is perfect and has been eating GReat.  Much bettter than the girls.


karen said...

Congratulations - you are amazing. Posting already and going to McKells graduation 24hours after having Zander. What a darling Family you and Jeremy have. Love you all.

Sabrina J. Shy said...

So fun! And we're so happy he's here already...all (almost) 9 pounds of him!!

he he, little Taylee "Done yet Mom!?"

Congrats to you for not being preggo anymore and congrats for the new little guy in your family!

Love you Zander!

Meredith said...

Congratulations to you and your family!!!

I am sure that you are getting used to being peed on now lol!

I am also so happy for you that you have a little boy. Congratulations!!!