Monday, May 20, 2013

39 Weeks

Survived 39 Weeks!  :)  I am so ready to be done, but who isn't at this point in pregnancy.  I am grateful for the rain and cooler weather the past couple of days, the past week was miserably HOT!  I am a warm person anyways and just add pregnancy and WOW I don't know how my Mom had me on August 20th without central air. :)  She is a lot tougher than me.
At my doctors appointment last week it doesn't sound like the babe is coming anytime soon.  He is sitting up there nice and high under my ribs still.  I have dilated to a 3, but he really needs to move on down.  As of right now I wouldn't expect to see him before June 3rd :)  I will just enjoy these last few weeks of sore ribs and lost of moving inside.  It is an unbelievable feeling and so crazy that we create these perfect human beings inside of us.  Can't wait to meet the little guy.


Zane and Cami said...

I can't believe you are 39 weeks!!! You look so good!!! I hear ya on the hot thing...I'm not looking forward to being prego this summer. Can't wait for your little guy to get here!

Sabrina J. Shy said...

Good for you, just enjoy it! Especially since it's your last time to experience it.

He'll be here soon. :)

Ryan and Amy Nelsen said...

^Last time?! I remember you saying you wanted 10 or 12 kids! haha!
But my babe is 4 weeks old, and reading this just made me miss being pregnant! That's crazy...but I know you are miserable however try to enjoy it cause it goes by much faster on the other side!