Thursday, November 24, 2011


McKell loves to do rolls with me, so I usually let her make her own pan. Don't worry I don't feed them to anyone its just for her enjoyment and to keep her happy.

Wow! I was busily making all my rolls and I turned to look at the mess Taylee was so happily making. She is amazing, every receipt, every pan, all the crayons everywhere. And no Jeremy was not in bed while this was all happening, he went to play some traditional flag football with the ward.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

ha ha ha wow! Go Taylee. How did the rolls turn out??? So many, that's awesome!

Zane and Cami said...

haha! That is awesome. Well at least you know she will be able to accomplish a whole lot in a short amount of time...hopefully she will turn it into something positive next time:)

Kati said...

HOLY CRAP! That girl ;) I would love your roll recipe though! They were so AMAZING! If you could email it to me, I would sure love it! katibaxter at gmail dot com

Heather said...

I need your roll recipe, too! And wow, Taylee. You and Owen could have a lot of fun together!