Monday, August 1, 2011

Family Pictures

We just got our family pictures taken while everyone was here for the funeral, and our family is at a little bit of stand still for a few years anyways. They turned out great,!

My Awesome parents, aren't they cute.All the guys of the familyAll of us Beautiful girls, and now Katie just needs to cut her hair and she will look like the rest. haha pretty awesome that all our hair is the same length right now.

The whole gang!

Grandma, Grandpa, and all 13 grand kids.


Zane and Cami said...

Those are such great pictures! I really like the color choice too!

Kati said...

Me gusta! That is soooo weird and a bit awesome all you barker girls have the same hair cut, because you look so similar to begin with! The pictures are AMAZING!!! Es muy devertido!

*karen* said...

So cute, thoes are great pictures! I can't believe how much your family has grown! I remember when you were all so, look at you all, all grown up with adorable kids of your own! You guys have such a beautiful family.

Sabrina J. Shy said...

Wow, your pictures turned out beautiful! how fun!

(yes, we need to get the Jensens updated! still missing our babies!)

Jeff's Abby said...

Those are some really good pictures. You have a beautiful family.

Heather said...

These turned out really good! I love the colors everyone wore.