Monday, October 25, 2010


My sister had this Motorcycle at my parents house, and McKell loved it. It is so nice to have a cousin that is old enough to take the little ones on rides. MaKayla is a good sport and took her on plenty of rides. Of course by the time I got the camera out she wasn't grinning ear to ear like she was before.

Had another appointment today, I am now dilated to a 3. I have been feeling like crap lately though so I talked myself into getting induced. As for now I will be induced Wednesday morning, that is if I don't chicken out.


Sarahn, Cade, Memphis, and Dempsey said...

I'm jealous you are getting to go soon! I'm barely a 2--if that (and only about 25% effaced). I can't be count yourself lucky! (I have a hard time with petocin and ended up with a C Section last time) I really want to avoid another C Section...but it's starting to sound better and better as each day passes! ;) Good luck! I can't wait to see your next cute baby!!!

Misty said...

Good luck Wednesday! Induction is not bad a t least for me. I was induced with both boys and things went well!

Sabrina J. Shy said...
