Saturday, January 23, 2010

Best Friends Wedding!!

I don't think I have ever seen Trevor so happy in my life! Love does funny things.

She loves the color purple look at those awesome shoes.

Jeremy's best friend growing up Trevor got married to Natalie Bridge (with a name like that how could he not love her) on Thursday. Jeremy was so excited for him Trevor was baptized 2 years ago and got married in the Ogden Temple. It was such an awesome experience to be at their sealing.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

Aren't they the cutest couple!!? They did such a terrific job decorating with PURPLE and her dress was beautiful.

We're awful proud of Trevor's decisions as an adult and so happy to see him marry in the temple.

Jeremy has been a really good friend.

Mom said...

Glad you have been such a good friend to Trevor all these years Jeremy-hope it will always continue!