Monday, September 14, 2009

slowing down

I am a little slow but we have hit the 9 month mark, she has officially been in this world longer than she was in my stomach, what a milestone.

We found out she had a sinus infection, so hopefully the poor girl can get past the runny nose and cough she has had for the past month. She is on an antibiotic and loves it, when all the medicine runs out she gives us that look for more.

Her stats are:

17 lbs18 oz (33%tile)

27.5" (54%tile)

17.5" (68%tile)

She has surely slowed down, she is smaller than she looks I guess. But she is healthy and happy. So I made it to 9.5 months nursing I consider that pretty good considering I was about ready to give up the day we came home from the hospital. But this week I am starting to wean her HOORAY!!!! I have never been happier to be done.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

Yay! Freedom from nursing!

We're so happy to have her as a part of our family and really hope that she gets over being sick too...even though she loves that medicine!

Liz said...

Nursing is great, but I am with you on being done. Addie weaned herself at 9 months, and after almost 3 months of her being on a bottle, it is awesome. There is so much more you can do. I hope your baby gets better soon, we are also battling the forever long cold!

Meredith said...

Amen about the day home from the hospital thing. What an exciting time--freedom!

Cameron said...

Yay no more nursing! Nursing is good but it sure makes it hard to get things done or go anywhere.
I can't believe she is already 9 months! She is such a cutie, hope she gets over her cold quick.