Saturday, August 8, 2009

8 Months

Wow where has the summer gone. McKell has hit her 8 month milestone. Her favorite thing to do these days is grab for your fingers to pull herself up. The other day she pulled herself up to the laundry basket she never wants to sit still anymore always moving. I love it. I found her this toy at a yard sale, she seems to enjoy it she can sit on it but I have to giver her a ride around the room.

She loves to eat, she will eat anything except for those baby jars of food that are the meats in gravy she does not like those but I don't blame her they smell pretty bad.
I have always thought it was funny when babies wake up with bed head, so when I went to get her from her nap today she had it I thought it was so funny. It doesn't look bad here because she kept laying her head on my shoulder before we could get the picture and that seemed to tame it a little.


Misty said...

Wow! I can't believe that it has been that long since she was born!! What a cutie!

Sabrina J. Shy said...

Yay! I too can't believe how fast the time has gone...8 months since we were waddling around and wondering what our babies would look like.

She has got the cutest smile and it makes me laugh how much she can eat!! Hopefully she'll be crawling around within a month so you can keep busy following her!

karen said...

What an adorable little girl she is. Time just flies when you are having fun. Good luck keeping up with her.

Heather said...

I love how long her hair is getting . . . beautiful girl! Can't wait to see her crawling - so cute!