Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Huntsville Half Marathon

So I am sure many of people have ran a half just 4 months after giving birth to a child but I personally would not recommend it.  I felt great for the first oh lets say 9.5 miles then just like a wall it hit me right in the face.  My Back hurt since I don't have much muscle back my abs hurt also for the same reason.  My legs were killing and my feet well that would probably have to do with wearing old shoes.  But they hurt the entire time due to a blood blister forming behind my toe nails. 
So me, Kristy, and Vanessa started the race out all together.  I had them pumped that we were running a 1:45 they thought I was crazy but they started with me.  I was feeling great, the air was cool and overall just a beautiful morning to run a race.  I guess I got ahead of myself as usual about mile 3 and left the other 2 and caught the pacer guy.  We ran together until mile 9 when I had to use the bathroom.  That is when my sisters caught up with me and I was excited to finish the race with them. HA Kristy was still going strong like didn't even act like she had ran 9 miles.  I said see ya later after about a half mile with them and the rest was awful.  I stopped at every water stop and walked through it.  Sadly to say they finished in under my targeted time of 1:45 and I came shuffling in 5 minutes later.  MISERABLE.  Glad to say its over and I only have 1 more course I want to try then I can be done with halfs :)  I am ready to try to Triathalon world out.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

Oooh, ouch! Glad you at least were able to walk to the finish and not be wheeled off! ;)

Good luck in the triathlon world!!