Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Birthday Boy!

 (no I did not give him this black eye, he got it boating)

Jeremy turned the grand old 27!  30 isn't sounding so old anymore yikes.  We celebrated his birthday by going to the splash pad with his sister to celebrate her birthday :)  I wanted to go to the train station and decorate his car but since he ended up taking both sets of keys with him I couldn't go. BOO he must have knew I was gonna do something ;)  When he got home we opened a gift and off we went to IHOP (he loves there pancakes).  As you can see Taylee was tired and hungry and grumpy. haha  I love this boy of mine, and I hope his birthday was FUN! 


Zane and Cami said...

Happy Birthday Jeremy! I must say, you two have some of the cutest girls EVER. I love their cute cheesy smiles. Isn't it strange how 30 is slowly becoming the new 20? I was just thinking about how Zane will be turning 27, and I thought, Man...27 use to sound so old..but jeepers it's not old at all!!

Sabrina J. Shy said...

Happy Happy Birthday! It was so fun celebrating with you.

Wait...Jeremy had a black eye!?? hahaha

Heather said...

Looks like you made it a fun day for him! Happy Birthday, Jeremy! (And did he REALLY get that black eye from boating??!!) Ha ha!