Thursday, May 10, 2012

Thanksgiving Point Half Marathon

I did it!  After months of running in complete pain the race day finally came.  I love ibuprofen :)  My brother-in-law told me there were only a few hills and they were quick so I thought it was going to be pretty easy.  I only train where its relatively flat.  Well I hit the first hill and thought wow if this is little and fast I am in a for a long run.  The run was really fun, it went through the gardens at Thanksgiving point so there were lots of twists and turns to keep it interesting.  Then it went all through the golf course, and the hills were enormous!!!!  My legs were burning by the time I got to the top I could barely keep running.  It was tough, then to find out at the end they had completely changed the course WOW!  I was really happy with my time considering the amount of hills there were.  I was shooting for 1:40 and ended up with 1:42:43 and found out later I got 3rd in my age group.  Sweet I have never placed in a Half Marathon before.  Good Race I would recommend it to anyone.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

You are completely amazing!!!

Heather said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You and Jason both did such a good job!! Maybe someday we'll have a chance to run it together!