Thursday, May 10, 2012

 My Mom had training in St. George for a few days, so us girls decided to go party with her.  My Awesome friend kept Taylee for me so McKell took Madilyn to keep her company.  It was great to not have to worry about naps!

 These girls loved to swim!  Most of the time we had to pool to ourselves.

 Day 2 we rode our bikes to the dollar store to get these awesome shooting things, they had a blast with them.
 Eating at the best pasta place in St. George the Pizza Factory.  We took our bikes with us this time so I drug my Mom on rides every night :0

 The girls were super excited to see the Temple, they jumped out of the stroller and wanted to tough it.
 So stinkin cute together
 Me and my girl
 McKells photography skills, haha
 This park was by far their favorite, they loved running through the water.  I am thinking Clinton needs to get one of these parks.

And Mckell won't stop long enough for a picture, so thanks Madi.
We couldn't have asked for better travelers they did Awesome!  They mostly played McKell was the Mom and madi was her Dog kept them entertained for hours.  I love listening to little kids interacting, so cute.  Thanks Mom for letting us come play while you sat inside all day.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

Those two are so cute together! ha ha, what a fun trip. Lots of swimming for our little fishy McKell!

Heather said...

What a fun Mommy/daughter trip!!!