Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Jumpin Jumpin

We have been trying to get our yard together and after hours of work I think we have a pretty good back yard. Yeah the grass isn't the best and I still have my dead spot in the middle but other than that its going. We built a sandbox and stayed up until midnight putting it together (oh the things we do for our kids) got a trampoline so McKell can put all that jumping to use.

Perma grin, she was so so excited to see that out there this morning, we put it up after she went to bed last night. She could not wait to get out there, she barely had time to eat breakfast. She was out there until the Rain chased her away.

grass is suppose to be growing there but have yet to see it still keeping my fingers crossed something happens.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

So exciting that you got your trampoline! Nathan will have to come play soon.

Yeah, our grass isn't doing so good either. I thought this rain would be great for it!?

Jeppsen Family said...

That is so awesome! We are planning on making a sand box around our swing set and I have been trying to convince Ben we need a trampoline. He doesn't like the idea of the trampoline. You'll have to tell me how you did your sandbox. Sadie is going to love coming to your house:)

Mom said...

Love the yard, our McKell and Taylee are so lucky-they will love it!

Heather said...

Looks great . . . want to come and help us with our yard next?!