Monday, November 12, 2012


 Its been a few years since I have done this hike, and this year it finally happened.  Its up McQuires Canyon in Willard and you come out at Willard Peak.  Its a lot of rock climbing, straight up the mountain.

 We stop at the mine every year for lunch and to sign our good ole log

 The Gang
 Inside the mine, we went all the way to the back, talk about darkness!

 Who woulda thunk you would find a kitchen sink along the way.  Now thats packing everything and the kitchen sink.

We finished!  My brothers FIL was awesome enough to come get us so we didn't have to walk all the way down.  Another successful year, no injuries.  So I guess we will go for it again next year.


Sabrina J. Shy said...

WOW! I can tell it's an awesome hike by the pictures up top. Great view!

Heather said...

Looks fun! (Or just crazy)!!!!