Monday, January 24, 2011


I can't wait for these two to play together. I set Taylee up to the little table today and McKell made her a bowl of food. It was so cute I envisioned them laughing and playing together and it made me happy. I am so so Thankful to have 2 girls so close together. Then Taylee smiled while sitting there and McKell laughed oh what a joy kids are.


Natalie | Make Today Great said...

So cute! You can just picture them going out to lunch someday chatting it up!

katie said...

They will be best friends and partners in crime. But they will always have fun together! Good Luck!

Veronica said...

how cute. It is great having kiddos close in age. My boys play well together (most the time) Ella is going to need someone to play with .

Heather said...

That picture is adorable!! You have beautiful girls.

Mom said...

I love this perfect picture, you have to keep this one for future reference!